• You can do anything you set your mind to, but not everything.

    You have the ability to achieve anything. But you still need to work at it. Work takes resources. Resources are limited. You can do anything, but not everything.

  • Failure is to success as coal is to diamond.

    Enough failure, time and time again, becomes the raw material for future success. We learn more from failure than success.

  • Let today be the yesterday that forms a great foundation for tomorrow.

  • Greed is never satisfied. Contentment is never hungry.

  • That which is primary is not exclusive and nothing is negligible.

    Be focused, but not narrow-minded. Recognize that everything is connected and that even small wins or losses contribute to the whole.

  • Companions are made through shared distates. Friends are made through mutual sacrifice.

    It’s easy to make buddies when you both don’t like something. It’s hard to make friends because friendship requires sacrifice.

  • Better to stand with a stick in the sands than to sit with a scepter in the stands.

    It is better to be courageous and take risks, even with feeble means, than to be luxuriously lazy or afraid.

    “The few who do are the envy are the many who watch.” - Jim Rohn

  • Your beliefs do not change the nature of truth; better to seek truth than to cling to your beliefs.

  • Take care of yourself, you belong to someone else.

    “I am the vine and you are the branches…” John 15:5

    ”You were bought with a price…” 1 Corinthians 6:20

  • Humility does not decrease power, just the damage caused by it.

  • Healing is twice as hard as improving.

    Not only must you face the original pain again, all the work done to heal only brings you back to where you started. That is why we are called to compassion more than zeal.

  • The same skills used to make a living can also be life-giving.

    Let God use your work to transform you to transform others.

  • If you cannot determine the best course of action then defeat the worst possible outcome.

    It can be hard to see what is best. In the very least, avoid what is worst.

  • If you refuse to act on fear then fear will refuse to act on you.

    “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7b

  • You are only going to have time to do what you choose to do right now.

    It is not a matter of minutes and hours. It’s a matter of choice and perseverence.

  • You can argue anything but arguments only reveal the beliefs of the speaker.

  • You can be the best and still improve. You can be the worst and still win if no one runs against you.

    Do you love the process or do you love the result?

  • When seeking power, beware that the freedom may not be worth the fallout.

    Opportunity to grow without bounds is opportunity to be corrupt without dying.

  • We did not design ourselves. So we cannot fulfill our desires because our desires were designed to make us fulfill our design.

  • Authenticity is when what you do lines up with why you do it.

  • Prosperity is when everyone:

    wants what they have,

    has what they need,

    and nobody needs what they want.

  • Concurrence does not equal causality.

  • Uncertain people make uncertain plans for uncertain futures.

    But God certainly has great plans for you.

    “For I know the plans I have for you…” Jeremiah 29:11

  • Belief is not a prerequisite for God's existence.

    Even if you don’t believe in Him, He still believes in you.

  • I used to want to be a Christian because I wanted a piece of me to be named after Jesus...

    Now I know that the true meaning of Christianity is that a piece of Jesus is named after me.

  • There comes a time in prophecy when it is no longer a prediction, but instruction.

    This is when we walk in destiny- when we work in prophecy.

  • Live the life that loves you.

    Doing what you want doesn’t hold a candle to being wanted for what you do.

  • How many people with wings are trying to climb the ladder?

    Think outside the box.

    Take the risk.

    Who knows? Maybe it will work.

  • If you want to specialize, do the big things first. If you want to be well rounded, do the small things first.

    Beware that specializing makes you fragile.

    ”He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much..” Luke 16:10, KJV

  • An imperfect completion is better than a perfect incompletion.

    A decent attempt is better than perfect potential.

  • Fear drives from the back but love leads from the front.

    With fear, you will not have to work to progress but you will have no freedom where you go.

    With love, you will have to take each step with your own strength, but you will be free indeed.

  • You are not fulfilling your purpose when you are doing what you like. You fulfill your purpose when you do what only you can do.

  • It is time to leave the future behind. Work in this present moment.

    “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business, and make a profit.’ You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If the Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that.’” James 4:16, KJV

  • You do not need confidence to do scary things. You need to do scary things to build confidence.

  • Greatness sacrifices others for its own good. But humility sacrifices itself for the good of others.

  • A teacher who does not admit that they could be wrong has not yet left their own schoolhouse.

  • Someone who drinks when they are sad will not be rich when they are happy.